In the spirit of Ephesians 4:13 “Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ” United Network of Churches (UNC) is an Apostolic Network that provides apostolic oversight and pastoral support for Senior Pastors and their churches as well as five-fold ministry gifts and their ministries. We offer our affiliate leaders the opportunity to create meaningful relationships, access training videos in addition to in person or virtual empowerment events. Every resource is geared towards enabling you to be more effective in their calling for the purpose of building and multiplying strong local churches and ministries around the world.
As an IRS 501 (C) 3 organization, UNC is designed to bring supportive strength to existing churches and ministries. It is a network that is based on relational accountability for leaders of like passions, challenging one another to birth the purpose of God.
We realize that unity is a challenge for many who are accustomed to existing independent, therefore our focus is on the life of Jesus Christ, our perfect example, and the model He left for church development and growth. It is in Christ that we UNITE! UNC believes that there is more that UNITES us than divides us!
UNC leadership is comprised of leaders, scholars and business owners who are passionate about helping other leaders and ministries thrive, stay relevant, and increase their impact today and beyond.

President, Presiding Bishop

Vice Bishop
We offer individuals two levels of affiliation to UNC. You can be a connection level partner or covenant level partner.
Pastors and Ministry Leaders who “connect” with UNC will have access to resources for church growth, vision development, staff development and leadership training. This connection will create opportunities for networking with other forward-thinking leaders and churches. A connected Pastor or Ministry Leader may be requested to host events at their church, will be expected to attend quarterly events and commit to investing annually $100 into UNC.
Pastors and churches who “covenant” with UNC will receive all the benefits of the connection level including apostolic oversight (spiritual covering) from Bishop Jonathan Shaw of the church/Pastor, personal advice and counseling and access to Bishop Shaw’s staff. A Covenant church will also be permitted to receive legitimacy in documents for licensing & ordination from UNC/Bishop Shaw. A Covenant church will be responsible for hosting events, full staff attending quarterly events and the monthly tithe to UNC from the church.

United Network of Churches (UNC) is designed for three main purposes which include the following:
• Receive prayer and counsel from our Presiding Bishop, Dr. Jonathan Shaw
• Obtain legitimacy documents and ordination through UNC & Bishop Shaw
• Access Bishop Shaw’s dream team staff
• Meet other future focused Pastors and Ministry Leaders
• Unite your churches in fellowship as you attend each other’s events
• Access shared resources including professional services to assist your vision
• Receive invitations to exclusive session
• Attend virtual & in-person empowerment events
• Access to on-demand biblical and leadership training for pastors, staff and volunteers

We love to hear from our friends and partners.
Contact Details
10405 Glenwood Rd.
Brooklyn, NY 11236
United States